Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Guess what came out on DVD today?

Well for those of you who are out of the loop, Ariel is no longer Sarah's favorite princess.  How can that be?  Yep it happened the minute we saw the movie Tangled in the theaters over Christmas while in Ohio.  From that point on Sarah became a bit infatuated with Rapunzel!  So you can only imagine how many days we counted down until the movie/DVD arrived at Target.Yippee today is the day!   After dropping Sarah and Adam off to school, Hunter and I  booked it to Target to get the movie.   Since I had a five dollar coupon we ended up buying the set with five different types of DVD's ranging from 3D to just a plain old DVD!  When did movies get so complex?  Anyway it was the best deal even though we will never watch the other four disk how every,  it would be cool to watch the movie in 3D some day.  
Oh by the way thank goodness I made it to Target by 9:30am because the Tangled movie was sold out later that day!  These are  the moments I give myself a big high five! The smile on Sarah's face was worth more than words and watching her reaction warmed my heart!

 Katie one of Sarah's friends from her class came over after school for a play date.  Katie watched Tangled for the first time today.  She loved it and of course Sarah and Adam did too!  I laughed so hard because Adam still cracked up laughing at the same part as he did when we saw it in the theater!  Listening to his belly laugh warmed my heart too!

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