Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14....
Today, Adam Sarah and I went to find out the results of Adams speech and language screening, that he took on 1-12-11.   As you can see I could not be more excited about the results.  I am so proud of Adam and how far he has come.  I can not thank Meridith, (Adam's speech therapist) and the Early Steps Program,  for all their  support and patience with Adam this past year. The massive jump in scores is also contributed  to Adams determination and how well he worked with me each and every day!  Even though Adams scores are high and he has grown leaps and bonds since March of 2010, he will still continue speech. Starting in March the focus will be on articulation, rather than building his vocabulary skills. Adam will attend Partin Elementary (free program through the public schools that he qualified for) and begin working with Ms. Ashley on articulation. He will see Meridith on a private bases once a week at the home!   Go Adam and keep up the great work everyone is so proud of you!!!!

The numbers hand written in black ink are Adam's scores from March of 2010.  The computer generated numbers are his scores from January 12, 2011.  Some of the numbers did go down because if he did not do a task (mainly because he was being stubborn) it was counted as a 0.  Over all  I am trilled and can't wait to see the next level Adam reaches. 

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